PUR Service
Pur Service is designed to reach people and communities outside our own.
PUR Service was birthed out of our initial involvement in Uganda. There, we partnered with multiple organizations to implement platforms of aide to equip the locals and share the message of the gospel. During those beginning years, our relatives, Andrew and Heidi Kanagy relocated their family to build relationships with the community of Mukono and meet their needs.
Since then, our scope of PUR Service has expanded outside of the country of Uganda alone. We continue to look for opportunities to partner alongside foreign resources to continue our mission of loving God and loving people. Ways in which we do so are through our Haitian meat market, Vivobue filters in war-torn Ukraine, Costa Rican projects to benefit individual families or schools, and more.
There are no Current Project for PUR Service. These are a few of the projects we have done in the past.

Medical Supplies and Equipment Medical Camp
We conducted a 3 Day Medical Camp in Uganda with a team of volunteers from the US, and with local Ugandan volunteers. In those 3 days we treated over 1,000 people. We base the camp in a remote village for 2 days, and then near a local clinic for another 2 days. We endevor to treat at least 2,000 people.
Victor's Junior Christian School
Several Team Projects that involved helping to renovate Victor's Junior Christian School. These included painting, fencing, replacing windows, etc. There is also a church group in the village of Kitola that has a plot of land to put a building, but they do not have the funds to build. PUR International has built a Pit Latrine on the land where the church will be built. They have been praying and saving for a building.PUR Service Campaigns You Can Support
Explore our current efforts abroad and consider contributing to them. The giving campaigns allow you to support a specific need with the most impact. Our campaign platform allows you to give a tax-free, charitable contribution. All gifts benefit those in need without any fees taken out, not even for credit card processing.